Transforming Networking Perceptions: Unlocking Opportunities for Professional Growth

What comes to mind when we hear networking? Is it pyramiding, a scam, “palakasan” system? Filipinos often view networking with some skepticism where connections and influence can overshadow merit and qualifications. This can lead to a perception that networking is unfair or based on favoritism. Despite this, many Filipinos recognize the importance of building relationships for personal and professional growth. There's a growing awareness that effective networking can lead to valuable opportunities and insights, provided it's done ethically and professionally.

In this blog, we will shed light on:

  • How networking is defined in the business world.
  • What is Individual Networking and its key strategies and benefits
  • Filipino culture towards networking.
  • How networking is different from connections.

Let’s begin.

Networking in the Business World

In the business world, networking is a critical strategy for building relationships that can lead to new opportunities, partnerships, and growth. It involves connecting with peers, industry leaders, and potential clients to share knowledge, resources, and support.

Effective networking can enhance one's visibility in the industry, provide access to valuable insights and trends, and open doors to career advancements and business deals. It requires ongoing effort and a genuine approach to foster trust and mutual benefits among professionals.

Individual Network Building for Professional Growth

Individual network building, on the other hand, is the process of creating and nurturing personal and professional relationships to enhance one’s career opportunities and professional development. This involves connecting with colleagues, mentors, industry peers, and other professionals who can provide guidance, support, and opportunities for growth.

Key Strategies for Individual Network Building

1. Identify Your Goals: Understand what you aim to achieve through networking. This could be finding a new job, gaining industry insights, learning new skills, or seeking mentorship. Focus on building relationships with individuals and groups that align with your professional goals.

2. Engage in Continuous Learning: Enroll in courses and obtain certifications to enhance your skills and meet like-minded professionals. Participate in webinars and online learning sessions to stay updated with industry trends and connect with experts.

3. Seek Mentorship: Identify potential mentors within your industry who can provide guidance, support, and valuable insights. Join formal mentorship programs offered by professional organizations or educational institutions.

4. Maintain Regular Contact: Keep in touch with your network by following up on meetings, sending updates, and sharing relevant information. Engage with your connections on social media by liking, commenting, and sharing their posts.

5. Offer Value: Share your expertise and insights with your network to establish yourself as a valuable connection. Offer help and support to your connections, such as sharing job leads, providing recommendations, or offering advice.

6. Be Authentic and Professional: Focus on building genuine relationships based on trust and mutual respect. Maintain professionalism in all interactions, both online and offline.

Benefits of Individual Network Building

1. Access to Opportunities: Connections can refer you to job openings that are not publicly advertised. Opportunities for collaborations and partnerships arise through a strong network.

2. Career Advancement: Guidance from mentors can help you navigate your career path and achieve your professional goals. Learning from your network can enhance your skills and knowledge.

3. Industry Insights: Stay updated on the latest industry trends, technologies, and developments through your network. Gain a competitive edge by leveraging insights and information from your network.

4. Support System: Receive advice, feedback, and support from your network during career transitions or challenges. A strong network can provide emotional support and encouragement.

Filipino Culture Towards Networking

Some Filipinos may have negative notions about networking due to a few common misconceptions and cultural factors:

  • Misunderstanding Networking as Nepotism: Some people might confuse networking with nepotism, believing that it’s about unfairly favoring friends and family rather than recognizing it as a professional tool for career growth.
  • Perception of Self-Promotion: Networking can be seen as self-promotion or boasting, which might be uncomfortable for individuals who value humility and modesty.
  • Fear of Rejection: The fear of being rejected or ignored can deter people from reaching out to others, especially if they are introverted or shy.
  • Lack of Confidence: Some individuals might feel that they don’t have enough to offer in a networking relationship, leading to reluctance to engage with others.
  • Time Constraints: Busy schedules and the demands of work and family life can make networking seem like an additional burden rather than a beneficial activity.
  • Cultural Reluctance: There may be a cultural reluctance to engage in networking activities due to traditional values that prioritize established relationships over new connections.
  • Negative Experiences: Previous negative experiences, such as feeling used or undervalued in networking efforts, can contribute to a negative view of the practice.
  • Skepticism about Effectiveness: Some people may doubt the effectiveness of networking, believing that hard work and qualifications alone should suffice for career advancement.


Network vs. Connections: A Comparison

Network: A network refers to a broad group of professional relationships that one cultivates over time. These relationships can span various industries and include people you may not know personally but have interacted with professionally.

Connections: Connections are more specific and personal relationships within your network. You know these individuals well and have a closer professional or personal relationship with them.

1. Purpose:
- Mutual Benefit: Both networks and connections aim to provide mutual benefits, such as sharing information, opportunities, and support.
- Professional Growth: Both are essential for career development and professional growth.

2. Maintenance:
- Regular Interaction: Maintaining both requires regular interaction, such as attending events, participating in discussions, and keeping in touch through various means.
- Trust and Reciprocity: Building trust and ensuring reciprocity are crucial for both networks and connections.

What sets them apart?

Networking is a very broad topic and requires a lot of learning, researching, and willingness to get involved. The topics included in this article are just an introduction. Networking, when approached ethically and professionally, is an invaluable tool for both personal and professional growth.

While some Filipinos may initially view it with skepticism, understanding its true purpose can transform perceptions. Networking is not about favoritism or self-promotion, but about building genuine relationships based on trust, mutual respect, and reciprocity.

By leveraging effective networking strategies and overcoming cultural hesitations, professionals can unlock a wealth of opportunities and insights. Embracing networking as a positive and strategic practice can significantly enhance career advancement and business success. At Gabtech Global, you don’t just find a job, you find professional growth. Join us and together let us grow and expand our professional horizons. Follow us on Facebook and LinkedIn.